Friday, April 30, 2010


one thing about that entire video that was interesting was dams cacses polution and makes people move and causes global warming how because dams make river flows go slower that make things rot and some how makes green house gases that causes global warming so were all going to die! the end

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

water videos

the past few weeks we were watching videos about water in scince and in these videos their was three quotes "it's melting away... it's washing away... i need it , theirs no doubt about it " "it's what we've got it's all that's it" and "every drop counts". I think the first one is about water is welting and going away so use it well. i think the second one is about we only have a certian amount of water so dont use it all and the last one every drop of water can be used to do somthing like watering potatos.I know they all sound the same but it was a cheesey video thats my post bye don't come back... just kidding.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Alternative energy in ocean currents

hey everybody and were finding or found that we found altenate energy because the water is dense and be put into turbines and turned into energy its being tested in u.s.a japan china and some of euroupe. this reduces shipping cost geogrphers meteorologests and other sientists they have a tremendous impact on the globe the end thanks for reading and sorry for eney bad spelling i couldent correct it

Monday, April 19, 2010

ocean currents are vertical or horizontal. oceanic currents are found all over the world in vary of sizes one last thing surface currents are found upper 400 meters I know that california waves are pretty strong.